Create a Flying Wellness Spa
Temperatures are rising, airports are swarming and all the spring break fun is on its way—a perfect time to share how to stay healthy while flying high! I created a portable wellness spa for my clients (and myself!) who spend lots of time up in the air. Just as if you were on the ground, everything you put into your body while flying will affect you, not only throughout the flight, but also once you land (possibly even for days after you’ve landed if you indulge in the mini alcohol bottles!). The last thing you need is to spend all your energy recovering from a cold you picked up somewhere along the way. This is the time for laughter, food, and celebration—a time when maintaining your health is vital to participating in all your vacation cheer! Here’s my advice to ensure painless traveling this Spring (and Summer!).
Before you fly
Preparation is key: 1) Always travel with a neck pillow to avoid strain in your upper back, shoulders and neck. 2) Don’t stay up late the night before your trip, especially if you have a 6am flight. 3) Drink a large glass of water with four drops of oil of oregano before you head off to help fight off colds and bacteria swarming the airport. This anti-inflammatory treat increases my intake of two of oregano’s strongest antimicrobial compounds, thymol and carvacrol. 4) Prepare healthy foods such as fruit, nuts and seeds, and gluten-free crackers to help keep you away from the easily accessible junk food. 5) Lastly, be sure to avoid caffeine!
While you fly
Treat your flight like a spa—this is your time to unwind and just be. Before sitting, spray your seat with colloidal silver spray for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. This will help make your seat a germ-free resting zone. Next, use Rescue Remedy (mouth spray) to help calm your nerves and put your mind at ease followed by a glass of water with a drop or two of Thieves Vitality which adds warm spice taste and provides immune support. Once you’re settled into your mini spa, it’s time to put on your neck pillow, eye mask and earplugs and tune into a breathing meditation. If you clench your teeth while sleeping, don’t forget your mouth guard to avoid jaw pain!
Things to remember while in the air:
Stay hydrated (add lemon if possible)
Don’t drink coffee and alcohol
Disconnect from electronics
Wash your hands frequently
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth
After you fly
Smell or dab peppermint oil on your chest for energy as soon as you land. Once you’ve reached your destination, indulge in a relaxing Epsom salt bath, even if it’s just for ten minutes. The Epsom salt will help ease any aches or pains you might have from the flight.
Safe travels! x